Balancing Science and Nature
Is everyone you know selling some kind of wellness product they swear changed their life and cures everything from diabetes to Ebola? Yeah, same here.
To be honest I jumped on the band wagon myself three years ago. After trying a variety of medications, diet and lifestyle changes, I jumped OFF the wagon full speed. What worked for me won’t work for you or your neighbor or your mailman. There is no one size fits all wellness program. It’s a balance between what you need and what you are willing to do or give up (nothing will make me give up wine or cheese), and how long you are willing to suffer. How you feel is the best judge of what is working for you and what isn’t. The key is research and support to get you on the path to living your best life! Here is a little secret, I am registered with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition class of 2021 and I don’t really like food. If there was a pill called lunch, I would buy it. I want the best for my body and my health so I found a nutrition program that works for me. I get all the vitamins, minerals and energy I need without any artificial crap. I am vegetarian. When I do eat real food its low gluten and (mostly) low dairy, low sugar, low artificial junk. Do I meal prep? No? Do I cook everyday? No. But that’s just me. In this day and age there are programs that will fit everyone’s needs. If you like it and it fits with your lifestyle, you will stick with it. If you stick with it you will see improvement in your health. Don’t quit searching until you find what works for you. Need help? I am here.